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GELİYORLAR! kitabı ön kapak Resmi Hasan Karaca

Who's coming in They're Coming? A small dog looking for a warm home, a toy panda that has not happened to him after being bought from the store, a crow accused of theft, even a flying horse... Who else is in this book? But what they all have in common is love... They came with their loving stories...


My story in this book, which was created by the efforts of 25 writers and 1 illustrator from the Minus 18 Literature Society."Angel and May". Happy reading...


From Hasan Karaca, the compiler of the book

Why Did I Compile This Book?

"This book came about when my writer friends from the Minus 18 Literature Community shared the photos they took with their little friends in the group. I started to draw their pictures. Then I thought why not write a story for them. Loving stories started coming from my writer friends. Thus, our book emerged... "



Preschool (5-6 years), 1st Grade (6-7 years), 2nd Grade (7-8 years), 3rd Grade (8-9 years), 4th Grade (9-10 years), 5 Grade 10 (10-11 years)


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